International report
On saturday 19 september in Turin (north-west Italy) a network of nationalist groups composed by militants, activists and supporters from Autonomous Nationalists (Autonome Nationalisten Aktion, Autonomous Nationalists, Autonomous Nationalists Supporters Group Turin - ANS), Gioventù Italiana Turin (Italian Youth) and Fronte Ribelle (Rebel Front) have carried out an anticapitalist action. On 24-25 september in the US city of Pittsburgh will be kept the G-20 summit that will have the main task NOT to place limits to the economical and social crisis born from the greed of the manager and global capitalists, but to find new roads for the international élites, big corporations and their allies to continue to depredate Earth resources in the name of profits, leaving normal peoples, workers and European citizens to pay the account of the economic catastrophe, in terms of exploitation, unemployment, increasing poverty, absence of future perspectives and environmental devastation. The international structures like the G-20, the WTO, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are not democratic organisms but are in the hands of narrow financial oligarchies that, in arrogant way and in the name only of their personal profits, impose decisions that, while they influence the collective life, are without any control and they don’t have neither the consent or the legitimation of Peoples victims of the capitalist madness.
Today’s action has not been a simple protest, but a chance (how many remains, before the system will prevent every critic against Capitalism?) to express a free, radical and national point of view in order to show to the Italian citizens the truth on WHO it pulls the rows, on who establish globalization rules, the truth about a degenerate and oppressive oligarchical power that imposes a destructive process and that is definitively annihilating Europe and the entire World, benefitting least to damage of billions of human beings. From the roads of Turin today an outcry of Freedom has been raised: the globalization must be stopped and must be given back the power to the National States! It is time to retake control of our sovereignty & removing the oligarchies that govern Europe and the World!